
Following its acquisition from Royal Mail, Access Self Storage are currently working on new proposals to redevelop the former Post Office Sorting Office site on Mandeville Road, Northolt.

This website has been launched to help local residents and business find out more information about the draft proposals and also provide an opportunity to give feedback prior to the finalisation of a planning application to the London Borough of Ealing.

We are keen to hear everybody's views, and we are organising a drop-in session on Tuesday 22nd October between 2pm and 7pm at the Northolt Village Community Centre. If you are walking to the Centre, there’s a pedestrian access via a gate on Church Road. For those visiting by car, please use the main entrance off Ealing road.

Everyone is welcome to attend and view the plans and meet the team working on the project. For those that can’t make the drop-in session, we are also holding a live presentation (webinar) on Thursday 24th October at 6.30pm via Zoom. There’ll be an on-screen presentation of the plans and a chance to pose your questions to the team.

Current status

The 0.29-hectare site is located at 46 Mandeville Road, Northolt and between the junctions of Moat Farm Road and Eastcote Lane and opposite Northolt Village Green.

Located within the Northolt Neighbourhood Centre, which provides a range of convenience shops, services (including the Post Office) and food and drink takeaways, the site is around 300 metres to the southwest of Northolt tube station.

The Post Office at the site is a valued and long-standing local community facility. It is open Monday to Saturday, offering a range of services and an external 24-hour ATM. The former Sorting Office at the site is no longer operational and its buildings and yard are currently occupied by a business on a limited term lease serving the hospitality sector.

Currently, various improvement works are taking place to the footpaths adjacent to and opposite the site on Mandeville Road as part of Ealing Council’s ‘Visions for Northolt’ project. The service road in front of the Post Office is being retained with parking/loading spaces for 11 vehicles, although this will become a one-way only access from the top of Moat Farm Road with exit only at the top of Eastcote Lane.

Draft proposals for local consultation

We’ll be displaying the draft plans at the drop-in session on Tuesday 22nd October and also showing them at the live presentation (webinar) on Thursday 24th October. We will also make the information presented available on this website.

In summary, the proposals seek to demolish the existing buildings at the site and provide brand new self-storage space of 6,490 sq. m along with some 391 sq. m of flexible office space, 195 sq. m of workshop space and a modern new 216 sq. m Post Office.

Post office

The new Post Office will be located on the corner of Eastcote Lane and provide all of the services currently offered in an attractive and accessible space along with back office and staff welfare facilities.

Whilst the current buildings are being demolished and the new buildings constructed, a replacement temporary Post Office will be temporarily provided within the Northolt Neighbourhood Centre. There will be no break in provision, ensuring that the operation of this important community facility is uninterrupted.

Offices, workshops and storage

Access successfully operates flexible office space alongside its storage units as this is attractive to small and medium-sized businesses who can have their office and stored goods/supplies alongside each other for efficient operation and distribution.

The company is confident that there will be good demand for the office space provided facing Mandeville Road at ground floor level with glazed frontages to enliven the street scene. The workshop spaces to the rear are aimed at small scale production, artisanal or craft-based busineses.

The proposed staffed Reception for the self-storage is on the corner of Moat Farm Road and visitors can enter off Mandeville Road.

The proposed storage units range in size and are designed to meet the needs of both domestic and commercial users. They will be provided on all levels of the proposed new building from ground floor to fourth floor.

What will the new building look like?

The best way to find out what the new building will look like is to visit our drop-in session or join our webinar. Once we have held these, we will also supply visuals and plans on this website.

The proposed materials include substantial use of brick on the Mandeville Road elevation along with glazing and then the use of dark and light cladding at higher levels. The lighter coloured cladding aims to give a lighter feel to the top of the proposed building which is also set back on all sides at the Ground + 4 level.

The rear of the proposed building is proposed to have a much lower two-storey form and will feature brick. It is set back This lowest element aims to be sympathetic to the height of the neighbouring properties on both Moat Farm Road and Eastcote Lane.

The higher levels of the proposed new building are set back a further ten metres from the nearest residential properties on the northern boundary, offering separation distances of over 16 metres to the nearest property on Eastcote Lane and over 20 metres from the nearest property on Moat Farm Road. The separation distance between the proposed new building is also over 18 metres from the nearest window of Argyll House at the top of Moat Farm Road.

The set back higher levels to the rear are also proposed to incorporate angled white aluminium panels which seek to lighten the rear façade and also add interest.

Access, parking and servicing

Access for vehicles visiting the site and the 9 parking spaces to be provided (including three larger sized bays for vans and a space for people with disabilities) will be via the existing entrance off Moat Farm Road. There will be no access from Eastcote Lane, meaning that the current entrance to the small car park will not be retained.

In terms of unloading and loading, there will be a covered internal bay which will ensure that any noise will be minimised and contained as far as possible within the new building. The bay area also contains the goods lifts to all levels of the self-storage units.

Self-storage facilities are lightly trafficked as goods and materials tend to be stored on site for extended periods of time. The traffic analysis which shows this will be made available as part of the eventual planning application.

The Reception will be staffed between the hours of 0830 to 1800 Monday to Friday, 0830 to 1700 on Saturday and 1000 to 1600 on Sunday. Outside of these hours access will be via a controlled security gate using an app which is available to customers only.

Cycle parking will be provided for use by staff and visitors and it is expected that Access staff, employees associated with the offices and workshops as well as good proportion of visitors will use public transport to reach the site as this is well provided via local bus stops and the tube station.

How to have your say and how we act on your feedback

With all their development proposals, Access places great importance on engaging with the local community and listening to and acting on feedback prior to any planning application being finalised. Proposals are regularly changed in response to conversations with the local community. We always record the feedback received and our response to it in a Statement of Community Involvement which forms part of the eventual planning submission.

There’s three ways you can give your views on the draft proposals. Nothing is agreed yet. We would very much welcome your comments and we would be pleased to answer any questions you may have.

  1. Visit us at our drop-in event – members of the development team will be present at the Northolt Village Community Centre between 2.00 pm and 7.00 pm on Tuesday 22nd October 2024. Plans and information will be available;
  2. Join our webinar – if you can’t make the drop-in event, you can join a live presentation (webinar) by the architects which will take place at 6.30pm on Thursday 24th October 2024 via Zoom. We’ll be showing the draft plans, answering questions and gathering feedback. It’s very easy to pre-register for this, just click on ‘Join our Webinar’ and fill in your details. Everybody is welcome.
  3. Give your feedback through this website - please use the online form below to give us any comments or ask any questions on any aspects of the proposals. We’ll pass on all comments to the design team and respond to any questions as soon as we can.

If you would like to speak with us direct about the proposals, we have also provided a help line telephone number (free to call).

Share your views

We’re keen to hear from as many people as possible about the plans for the former Post Office Sorting office site on Mandeville Road. Please use the response form below to give us your thoughts or ask us any questions. We’ll be considering every piece of feedback we receive and giving our responses.

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Meet with us

We'll be at the Northolt Village Community Centre which can be accessed by foot off Church Road or by car via Ealing Road on Tuesday 22nd October 2024 from 2pm to 7pm.

Venue image
Click image to enlarge Pinch to zoom


Download panels shown at the drop-in event on 22nd October 2024


Watch our webinar

View our webinar held on Thursday 24th October 2024


Contact us

[email protected]

Lee Jameson, Polity on: 0800 246 5890 (free to call)